What To Do If You’re Investigated by a City or State Agency
Lesley Brovner & Mark Peters
June 21, 2023
In a highly regulated environment, businesses and nonprofits are increasingly receiving inquiries from government agencies at the municipal, state and federal level. Sometimes these inquiries are quickly resolved with a letter or meeting. Other times, they evolve into full blown, white collar, investigations that can divert time, resources and attention away from other business matters. In either situation, it is imperative to have lawyers with experience in government and government regulation interacting with the agency in question. These lawyers can help navigate the process and provide insightful guidance to their clients.
Understanding the Investigative Process
The investigative process is a series of activities or steps that include gathering evidence, analyzing information, and developing and validating theories of potential misconduct. No two investigations are exactly the same, but some general common steps do exist. These include:
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