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What to expect during an Internal Investigation

June 6th, 2024|Comments Off on What to expect during an Internal Investigation

What to expect during an Internal Investigation Lesley Brovner & Mark Peters June 6, 2024 Internal workplace investigations are an important tool to manage a company’s or nonprofits’ risk. They [...]

New York Post: Special needs teacher caught sexually abusing student on camera — but the school didn’t monitor the video: suit

May 26th, 2024|Comments Off on New York Post: Special needs teacher caught sexually abusing student on camera — but the school didn’t monitor the video: suit

Special needs teacher caught sexually abusing student on camera — but the school didn’t monitor the video: suit By Susan Edelman Published May 25, 2024, 11:28 a.m. ET Classroom cameras at a costly taxpayer-funded boarding [...]

Peters Brovner LLP, The Law Office of Ali Najmi Esq. & and Hanna & Vlahakis Law Offices announce a lawsuit against The Biondi Education Center and Rising Ground Academy

May 20th, 2024|Comments Off on Peters Brovner LLP, The Law Office of Ali Najmi Esq. & and Hanna & Vlahakis Law Offices announce a lawsuit against The Biondi Education Center and Rising Ground Academy

Peters Brovner LLP, The Law Office of Ali Najmi Esq. & and Hanna & Vlahakis Law Offices announce a lawsuit against The Biondi Education Center and Rising Ground Academy May 20, 2024 Peters Brovner [...]

CHNANY: Canna Provisions, Inc., et al, v. Garland

May 3rd, 2024|Comments Off on CHNANY: Canna Provisions, Inc., et al, v. Garland

CHNANY: Canna Provisions, Inc., et al, v. Garland By Lesley Brovner, Mark Peters & Jonathan Bunch May 1, 2024 Last October, an alliance of cannabis-industry operators and investors hired David Boies, [...]

  • Keeping Up with Compliance with Regulatory Attorneys, Lesley Brovner and Mark Peters

Judith Heft: Keeping Up with Compliance with Regulatory Attorneys, Lesley Brovner and Mark Peters

April 24th, 2024|Comments Off on Judith Heft: Keeping Up with Compliance with Regulatory Attorneys, Lesley Brovner and Mark Peters

Judith Heft Podcast: Keeping Up with Compliance with Regulatory Attorneys, Lesley Brovner and Mark Peters Apr 23, 2024 Mastering Your Financial Life — Episode 78 In this episode of Mastering [...]